[Champion of Taipei's Best Beef Noodle competition] Chef Hung Taiwan Beef Noodles set meal

 類別:Tickets / Coupon
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 2 小時
Chef Hung, multiple times champion of the Taipei National Beef Noodles competition, besides insisting on using only top quality beef, does not add any preservatives or flavorings, using only herbs to create his wonderful broth that gives you a taste of Taiwan with every sip of the soup. Braised, clear broth, spicy are some of the many Taiwanese flavors that are must haves!
- Highlights -

.Multiple times champion of the Taipei Beef Noodles Competition
.With a variety of flavors to satisfy your taste buds, beef noodles is one delicacy not to be missed while in Taiwan
.Get an exclusive discount when you book with KKday

-Restaurant Information-

Chef Hung hopes to bring the internationally renowned local flavors of Taiwan, to the forefront of the gourmet world.
- Important Info -

・Obtaining voucher: show your KKday confirmation voucher and enjoy your meal
Chef Hung Taiwanese Beef Noodles Ximen Branch
- Address: No.92, Chengdu Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City
- Service Hours: Daily, 11:00am - 21:30pm
- Contact no.: +886 02-2388-8650

- Package Info -

・Braised Beef Noodles with beef, tripe, and tendon (紅燒牛三寶牛肉麵 )
- 2006 Beef Noodle Festival Braised Highest Ranking
・Braised Beef Noodles with grilled short rib (獨當一麵)
- 2007 Beef Noodle Festival Braised Champion
・Beef Noodles with clear-broth and beef rib strips (清燉五花牛腩麵)
- 2007 Beef Noodle Festival Clear-broth Champion
・Spicy Beef Noodles (麻辣牛肉麵)
- Beef noodles with beef shank and spicy duck blood

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