The Adventure of River Trekking in Hualien

 類別:Half Day
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 4 小時
Along with experienced and humorous leader explore private attractions of Hualien.
Let's make the laughter everywhere in the valleys. It's a great adventures for 35 pax friends and families.
- Highlights -

.Hualien River classic adventure experience
.No worries about transportation for specifies Hualien city Homestay/GuestHouse/Hotels
.Enjoy your thrill river trekking in Hualien River with Professional leader guiding

- What You Can Expect -

This trekking trip is good for a group of 3 to 5 people, friends, family, old and young.
This trip includes free pick-ups from your hotels in Hualien City area so you could enjoy a relaxing and worry-free trip. Now, order the trip of ''The Adventure of Trekking in Hualien” to gain your unique experience in Hualien.

- Important Info -

.Starting Time: 8:00am - 8:30am / 13:00am - 1:30pm
.Departure location: your accommodation in Hualien
.Location: ShaPoDang River and FeiCui Valley (dependent on weather conditions)
.Duration: 4 hrs
.Returning Info: your accommodation in Hualien

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