Private Car from Taipei: National Palace Museum and Yangmingshan Hot Springs

 類別:Half Day
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 6 小時
Explore National Palace Museum and Yangmingshan National Park with a private car tour. Enjoy Taipei’s cultural treasures, including the vast collection of significant Chinese art and volcanic hot springs.
- Highlights -

• Explore one of the largest Chinese art collections
• Relax inside Yangmingshan, Taiwan’s only hot spring park
• Uncover Taipei’s treasures and learn about Chinese dynasties

- What You Can Expect -

Taipei’s National Palace Museum houses some of the finest Chinese art worldwide. Marvel at beautiful calligraphy, ceramics, and paintings. Stroll the Zhishan Garden and admire the harmony of feng shui and Chinese architecture.

Then, head north of Beitou to Yangmingshan, Taiwan's volcanic park. Admire its surrounding low mountains and lush forests. Soak inside the famous hot springs, known for their healing minerals and rich sulfur content.

Bask inside warm waters and relax while enjoying the gorgeous view. Discover the uniqueness of Taiwan on a private tour!

- Important Info -

・Departure Points: Taipei City Hotel or Taipei Railway Station
・Duration: ~6 hrs
・You can request for a driver fluent in your language

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