Taichung Kukuan Hot Springs One Day Tour

 類別:one day tour
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 9 小時
Pamper yourself with a visit to Guguan Hot Springs in Taichung. Revitalize your mind and body by soaking in the steamy hot spring, surrounded by bamboo trees and Japanese gardens.
- Highlights -

• Take a dip in the mineral-rich natural hot springs
• Savor a delectable range of gourmet food
• Gain insight into Taiwan’s Hakka culture
• Visit the Sweet Charm Farm Winery

- What You Can Expect -

Escape the city and make your way to Guguan Hot Springs. Along the way, visit the newly-opened Hakka Cultural Center and explore its theater, food court, and pavillion. Relive the history, food, dressing, customs and religious beliefs of the Hakka people.

Drop by Sweet Charm Farm Winery, a rustic red brick building. Inside the winery, learn about the production of liquor and fruit wine.

Trek up the pathways and soak inside Guguan Hot Springs’ mildly alkaline waters. Take in the magnificent Japanese garden and pine forest while you unwind.

Taste Hakka cuisine and sample various drinks made from persimmons, pears, plums, and rice. Enjoy the rural charms of Taichung on this scenic day tour.

- Important Info -

・Meet-up Information:
- 8:00am: Taichung Butler Hotel (Plaza Hotel)
- 8:40am: Taichung High Speed Railway Station, 1st Floor(Exit 6)
- 8:00am- 8:40am: your hotel within Taichung (Hotel pick-up time will be confirmed 1 day prior)
・Duration : ~9 - 10 hrs
・Returning Information: return to departure points

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