Lobster Set Menus at Emperor Restaurant in Taipei

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 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 3 小時
Enjoy a delightful, high class meal at Emperor Restaurant in Taipei, specializing in the freshest lobsters and the finest ingredients.
- Highlights -

· Select from Emperor's three superb lobster set meals
· Feast on six wonderful courses in each set meal
· Secure your seats at Emperor Restaurant, where only the finest and freshest lobsters are served
· Savor lobsters prepared in Japanese banko yaki ceramic pots, right at your table

-What You Can Expect-

Come to Emperor Restaurant in central Taipei for a supreme lobster meal. Emperor Restaurant prides itself on the quality and freshness of their ingredients and you will even have the opportunity to inspect your live lobster before it is prepared using a Japanese banko yaki ceramic pot ensuring all the fine flavors of the lobster are brought out to the fullest. Your meal comes with a number of dish options for you select from, with each item on the menu specially chosen by world-class chefs to perfectly complement your delicious, unforgettable meal.

-Package Info-

[Banko-yaki Lobster Set Meal for 2]
・Starters: Baked Oysters with Garlic Sauce and Grilled Squid with Spicy Rice Sausage
・Main Course: Banko-YaKi Live Lobster
・BBQ: Pork Jowl, Succulent Chicken Thigh
・Hot pot: Taiwan Succulent Chicken Thigh
・Sides: Koshihikari Rice
・Dessert: White / Red Wine Fruit Sorbet
・Beverage: Plum Juice

[Australian Beef and Banko-yaki Lobster Set Meal for 2]
・Starters: Haruki Murakami-French Gillardeau Oysters complimented with Bunnahabhain Single Malt Scotch Whisky
・Main Course: Banko-YaKi Live Lobster
・BBQ: Pork Jowl and Amber Jack Jaw
・Hot Pot: Australian Grade M9 Wagyu Beef Platter / Sirloin, Short Ribs & Chuck Eye Roll
・Sides: Lobster Congee
・Dessert: White / Red Wine Fruit Sorbet
・Beverage: Plum Juice

[Australian Beef and Banko-yaki Lobster Set Meal for 3]
・Starters: Baked Oysters with Garlic Sauce
・Main Course: Banko-yaki Live Lobster
・BBQ: Succulent Chicken Thigh, Pork Jowl, Amber Jack Jaw, Big Clam with Salt
・Hot Pot: Australian Grade M9 Wagyu Beef Platter, seasonal vegetables
・Sides: Koshihikari Rice / Sanuki Udon Noodles
・Dessert: White / Red Wine Fruit Sorbet

-Important Info-

· Location: Emperor Restaurant (愛新覺羅 原味、鮮採嚴煮)
· Address: No.104, Sec. 4, Civic Blvd., Da’an District., Taipei City
· Service Hours: 5:00pm - 9:00pm

-Additional Info-

・Service charges and meals are included. Additional fees only apply for extra orders on-site
・If customized cards are needed, please provide Customized Cards Info when booking
・Please provide up to 3 back up time slots when booking. We will book in order of your priority and confirm your time slot on your voucher. Should there be no available time slots, you will receive a full refund

-Customized Cards Info-

・For birthdays, please provide the following information:
- Birthdate
- Age
- All names of guests who will be present and notify who is being celebrated
- Card message (within 100 characters)
・For anniversaries, please provide the following information:
- Names of those who are celebrated
- Number of years
- All names of guests who will be present
- Card message (within 100 characters)

-How to Redeem Your Voucher-

・Please show a printed voucher for admission

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