1-Day Tour to East Rift Valley and Coastline in Hualien

 類別:one day tour
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 8 小時
One day trip to the rift valley and coastline in Hualien. Participants will be picked up from a bed and breakfast or the train station in Hualien. After the guests have been picked up, they will be taken along the rift valley down south. On the return trip, the ride will be along the coastline, so guests can see the Pacific shore scenery. This is a perfect one day scenic trip of Hualien!
- Highlights -

.This trip can be formed with just two people. Enjoy a high-quality car and guide for a small group (driver will act as the guide)
.See the East Rift Valley and the Hualien coastline all at once
.The most comprehensive shuttle bus service in Hualien to all the bed & breakfast inns and hotels, for convenient travel around town!

- Important Info -

.Starting time: 8:00am - 08:30am
.Departure point: Hotel or bed & breakfast in Hualien city (please advise hotel address when booking).
.Duration: 8 hrs
.Returning info: 6:00pm return to Hualien train station/Hotels in the city
.The model of the shared shuttle:according to the number of people made reservations for that day

- Attraction Introduction -

.Villa Home
This villa is situated on 24 hectares, of which four hectares is a dreamlike "Fantasy Lake". Twenty-six types of palm trees, expansive broad-leaf forest, seasonal flower plants, and large lush lawns are planted within the villa. The water for the Fantasy Lake comes from Hualien River, giving the lake forest crystal clear waters. Tall pines that have turned to a seasonal red with falling needles adds striking colors to the lake. These trees stand in the water and sway with the motion of the water, give it the appearance that the forest is floating on the lake itself. This entire scenery makes visitors feel as if they are in a foreign country.

.Ruisui Ranch
With the clean water from the Central Mountain Range, the Ruisui Ranch is able to grow a whole land of shiny green grass and feed over 300 long strong and healthy Dutch dairy cows. Holding a cup of hot milk, sitting in the shade of open-air cafes, you can enjoy the fresh and lovely views of the ranch while tasting all kinds of dairy products. You feel immersed in a carefree and relaxed holiday atmosphere.

Shitiping, a world-class outdoor geology classroom, is located at the southern end of the Hualien's Shitiping Bay in Fengbin Township. The entire area is a large coastal terrace with extensive sea erosion. The area is full of eroded platforms, rising coral, sea channels, and craggy cliffs. The giant's kettle here is one of the best in Taiwan.

- Additional Info -

・After successful reservation, you will be informed by our staff through a phone call or text message the precise pick-up time at around 4:00pm - 8:00pm one day prior to the tour
・Starting from 2019, seats are provided for children under age 12, if car seats are needed for toddlers please notify in the 'Notes' section in advance. Car seats do not require additional fees

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