• Richard
    Going back to Taiwan!
    2020-05-08   心情

It was a long trip from my apartment to Taiwan. The flight itself took about 6 hours, but my colleagues and I left apartment at noon and waited for hours to get on board at 7PM. After arriving in Taoyuan Airport, outside of Taipei city, it took few hours to pass immigration and health check. Then we are transported a quarantine center located in Chanhwa county. It is an army testing center equipped with simple though clean facility. I was feeding by Chinese foods 3 times a day.

As usual, I had couple meetings a day with people from HQ and my team in India. I felt a little troublesome and unhappy about team’s performance that some of managers are passive and not proactive. It’s difficult to manage Indian team. I want to make a difference but seems not easy.

Yesterday, I had a argument with Eva about kids tuition fees. I felt like that she is taking advantage of me and she is calculated. With all the efforts I can, I am unable to pay full or half that I need to borrow loan to pay for kids tuition. I don’t know why I would end up like this. Life makes me embarrassed especially in front of ex wife.

I felt tried... tired of daily routine and life pressure about kinds and my retirement life that if I would live alone without partner. It’s hot outside and I can see beautiful white clouds through window. How nice it would be I can go out to enjoy sunshine. It would be amazing if i can go to a beach and lay down on chair with a cold beer. Is it too much to ask?

Living in a small town would be nice? I tried to think. Not sure if it will meet my expectation...


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