• 因為
    因為 心情日記
    2016-10-31   心情



Lauv - Breathe
Written by: Lauv, Michael Matosic, DallasK
Produced by: Lauv, DallasK

I've watched those eyes
Light up with a smile
River in the not good times
Oh you taught me all that I know

I've seen your soul
Grow just like a rose
Made it through all of those thorns
Girl into the woman I know

And it's killing me,
me to say
I'm fine
When I really mean,
Mean to say...

You're my all and more
All I know you taught me
You're my all and more
But I need room to breathe


I found New York
Laying in your arms
We'd Melt into the bedroom floor
Never knew I'd stay for so long

And this truth cuts
Not through one but both
Not through one but both of us
But it's deeper if I hold on

You're my all and more
All I know you taught me
You're my all and more
but I need room to breathe


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